What Type Of Medical Test Is Required For This Trip?

What Type Of Medical Test Is Required For Kailash Yatra?: Understanding the Health Requirements for this Trip

What Type Of Medical Test Is Required For This Trip?

Visiting a mountainous region in India for a summer vacation or even otherwise, is easy, without any complications to plan the journey. But the same is not true when you want to fulfill your dream of going for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. As confirmed by those who had visited there earlier in time, the experience of doing Kailash Yatra cannot be woven into words perfectly. To just look at the mountains and the clear water lake at a great height is no less than getting salvation while being alive. But for any Indians, it will only be possible if they qualify certain medical tests for it. 

As per the rules of the government to ensure safety of pilgrims and tourists going for Kailash Yatra, their physical and mental health has to be checked beforehand. The reason why these rules are also important is because there is a risk of loss of life for an unhealthy individual who insists on going for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra.  The weather of the region around Mount Kailash is not suitable for everyone to make a visit there. This can be confirmed by the least population of the natives who live there. So, in terms of medical tests and their reports, restricting individuals to do Kailash Mansarovar Yatra is indeed beneficial for them. 

People who want to visit Mount Kailash, has to go through comprehensive health check-up and medical tests, which are detailed below:

  • Medical Tests That are Needed to be Done for Kailash Yatra
  • Blood sugar test
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Urea proportion in blood
  • Lipid profile
  • X-ray of the chest
  • Stress Echo Test
  • Asthma test etc.
  • CBC test etc. 

Health Eligibility for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra

You should also know that it is not the tour operator that wants you to get the above-mentioned medical tests done. Actually, the Indian Government has laid certain rules to check the eligibility of an Indian to do Kailash Yatra. To qualify these medical tests is one such rule. All Indian pilgrims or tourists who want to visit Mount Kailash once in their lifetime, have to be mentally and physically fit for it. Also, their Body Mass Index (BMI) should be less than or equal to 27, not more than that. Similarly, he should not be suffering from common health problems such as an increase in blood pressure, ill-maintained blood sugar levels, inability to breathe properly etc. 

Who Conducts Medical Tests for Kailash Yatra?

Medical tests are conducted in New Delhi by Delhi Heart and Lung Institute (DHLI) and Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP). The cost of these tests has to be borne by an individual. After qualifying these tests, he will only be allowed to make plans to undertake Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. The reports of the medical tests confirm if a tourist is fit to do altitude trekking without facing any serious health problem on the way. 

Even some medical tests will be conducted during the course of the Kailash Yatra by ITBP, at different places like Gunji or Sherathang, with respect to the route chosen by a pilgrim for the Yatra. 

To a pilgrim or a tourist who is excited to experience the difference to visit Mount Kailash, it will be really disappointing if he has to come home back from the mid of the journey because of health issues. So, the best way to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey to Mount Kailash is by living a healthy lifestyle, which is free from any major health problems.  

Why are Medical Test Reports from an Authorized Hospital Only Valid?

Being fit and healthy to undertake Kailash Yatra is very important. But this does not mean that an individual can get the above mentioned tests done from any medical center, to get biased reports. For the government, it is a question of risking the life of the natives of his country. To prevent people from going for Kailash Yatra when they are not fit for the same, the reports from ITBP Hospital will only be considered valid. 

Also, an individual has to forfeit the non-refundable deposit he has paid for getting the medical tests done, if the reports turn out to be negative.

How to Ensure You Get Positive Medical Tests Reports

As detailed above, qualifying medical tests is very important to become eligible for Kailash Yatra. If seen from another perspective, the reports of medical tests show the overall health condition of an individual, which can be maintained to fulfill his dream to visit Mount Kailash.

To stay fit and healthy, you can do the following and prepare your body for the journey to be made to Kailash Mansarovar:

  • Do fitness exercises daily.
  • Go for morning walk or jogging sessions at least.
  • Eat healthy food.
  • Avoid taking too much stress.

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