What is Culture of Lake Mansarovar?

What is the Culture of Lake Mansarovar?: Understanding What makes Lake Mansarovar such a Special Place

Culture of Manasarovar Lake

The effect of the natural wonder of Mansarovar Lake and its serenity can be witnessed through the culture of the people living around it. Like the serenity of lake Manasarovar which is also known as ‘The Jewel of Tibet’, the way people nearby live, looks like a jewel of life to all the tourists who visit there to take a bath in this holy lake. The snow-capped Mount Kailash towering over the lake also symbolizes peace and happiness that can be seen in the life of people who live there, as well as those who make a visit there. The culture as well as the majestic view of Manasarovar Lake is such that it captures the imagination of people, both religiously and spiritually. Even though the trip to Kailash Mansarovar includes passage over rough terrains, high altitude and climatic disturbances, it does not have its effect on the desire of people who wish to visit this holy place at least once in their lifetime. 

As a part of its culture, visitors can also witness and enjoy Saga Dawa festival during their visit to Kailash Mansarovar. This is a very popular Tibetan festival, celebrated to honor the life of Lord Buddha. In fact, the day of this occasion has been declared as a public holiday in some Buddhist countries. As a common practice, people follow during this festival, they remove the old prayer flags and replace them with the new ones. This is the reason why tourists can see multi-colored prayer flags hung from the flagpoles during the time this festival is celebrated. 

By experiencing Tibetan culture, arts and lifestyle as a part of Saga Dawa festival, you can make memories to be cherished for the rest of your life.

Religious Significance of Kailash Mansarovar

The tourist place of Mount Kailash and Manasarovar Lake holds different values for different religions, such as Hindus, Buddhists and Jains. Even amongst the followers of the Bon religion, which is native to Tibet, this site holds religious importance. This is the reason why it is one of the most visited pilgrimage sites in that region, visited by people of different religions. 

Amongst the Hindu followers, it has been believed that Mount Kailash is the home of Lord Shiva. Furthermore, they also believe that water of Lake Mansarovar has the power to purify a person’s soul, and the one who drinks its water or takes a bath in it gets all the sins of his lifetime cleansed. 

Followers of Jain religion call Mount Kailash as Meru Parvat or Sumeru. They also believe that the mountain next to Kailash, which is known as Ashtapada, is where their first Tirthankara, Rishabhdeva had once attained the state of salvation.

To some Buddhists, Mount Kailash is believed to be the home of their Buddha Demchok, and the lake Mansarovar is also known as a religious site to them. You can also find a number of monasteries situated near the lake.

As per the beliefs of the Bon religion, their sacred deity Zhang Zhung Meri lives in the Lake Mansarovar, and is the source of spirituality for their followers.

All this confirms why both Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar are believed to hold truly religious value that attracts tourists from across the globe every year to it.

Languages Spoken in Kailash Mansarovar Region 

Since Kailash Mansarovar has its roots spread into a number of religions, the pilgrims there speak a wide range of languages, including Tibetan, Zhang Zhung, Hindi and several others too. The impact of multiple languages being spoken there by the people, also have its impact on the culture of that region.



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