Know about the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra: Do we travel during the night?

Kailash Mansarovar Yatra Night Travel: Take a Journey of Discovery on a Night time Trip

Know about the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra: Do we travel during the night?

The Kailash Mansarovar Yatra will have you travel to a different country. Located in the remote western region of Tibet, Mount Kailash stands tall at 6628 m and is part of the Trans-Himalayan range. The long and treacherous trek to Mount Kailash is not an easy journey to make and it is important that you get your details right. Whether you choose to go with the Ministry of External Affairs or with a private tour operator, there will be no traveling during the night involved.

Reasons for no travel during the night

One may think that since the Yatra involves traveling a long distance, doing part of it during the night will make the journey duration shorter. But that is not true for this particular trip. Here are the reasons:

  • The terrain: Reaching Mount Kailash involves going through really rough terrain, some of it which can only be traversed by foot. This means that one has to be careful about where one is putting one’s feet on. If you were to put your feet carelessly, you could end up falling down and hurting yourself, or worse, there could be a serious accident.  
  • The weather: When the sun is up and shining, the weather in the region can be dealt with the help of warm winter jackets and warm trousers. But when the night comes in, the temperatures drop fast and it is advisable for pilgrims to take cover within the comforts of their tents or sleeping bags. The weather does not permit them to travel during the night without problems.
  • Rest: If you are trekking for long distances every day, you will need rest and that rest happens when the night comes in. Resting between treks is essential so that the body gets time to recharge its batteries and naturally replenish the energy lost during the day. It is best to take rest during the night so that one can start trekking when the day breaks.

All the above reasons are why tour operators never let pilgrims travel during the night when on the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra.

The ‘parikrama’: The trek it involves

It should be mentioned that the ‘parikrama’ is not something everyone has to do. It is not compulsory and one may opt out of it during the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. However, if you choose to do it, here’s what it involves: 

  • Day 1: Depending on which private tour operator you choose for the Yatra, the starting point of the ‘parikrama’ could differ. The best thing to do would be to start from Yamdwar. You will be traveling to Dirupak on foot. It will involve a journey of about 10 km. Pilgrims who are lucky get to do the ‘darshan’ of the northern face of Mount Kailash on this trek, which is considered the most auspicious way to do it.
  • Day 2: The second day of the ‘parikrama’ will have you start trekking from Dirupak towards Dolma La pass and Zuthulphuk. If you are someone who has never done trekking, this is the part of the journey that could be tricky for you considering that you will be climbing a steep slope throughout. This is the day when you will be trekking at an altitude of approximately 18,600 feet. The trek on this day will take you from Dolma La pass to Gaurikund. After that you will be going towards Zuthulphuk. During this part of the trek, it is important that the pilgrims take rest whenever needed so that they don’t fall sick because of the high altitudes involved.
  • Day 3: This is the last leg of the ‘parikrama’ and will involve you trekking about 16 to 17 km. This part is a comparatively easy one considering that the path is mostly even and you will not have to exert yourself too much during it.

What happens during the nights of the ‘parikrama’

For people who are really interested to go, this is information they may be looking for. When you book with a reliable private tour operator, your accommodation is taken care of. During the ‘parikrama’, you can expect to be lodged at respectable guest houses every night where you will be served hot meals that nourish the soul and the body. If you are wondering why accommodation will not be arranged at proper hotels, the reason is that the region is a very remote one that is sparsely populated. Amenities are not available there and that is why pilgrims have to stay in guesthouses. Start the Yatra with an open mind and you will be able to enjoy all that it will offer you.

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